محسن شفيعي سيف آبادي

Associate Professor

Update: 2024-09-07

محسن شفيعي سيف آبادي

Psychology and Education / علوم سياسي

Journal Paper

  1. "How to reproduce Taliban power in Afghanistan Based on the Catastrophe- Catastrophe theory"
    Shafiee Mohsen
    سیاست دفاعی, Vol. 31, pp.83-123, 2023
  2. "Zionist Regime Military-Security Threats against Iran and stabilization strategies (Based on the Campaign Strategy between Wars and Domino Theory)"
    abedi ardakani mohammad, Shafiee Mohsen
    آفاق امنیت, Vol. 15, pp.131-175, 2022
    ali BAGHERI DOLATABADI, Shafiee Mohsen
    Przeglad Strategiczny, Vol. 1, pp.169-186, 2022
    Shafiee Mohsen, ali bagheri dolatabadi
    Journal of Globalization Studies, Vol. 13, pp.135-157, 2022
  5. "Opportunities and challenges facing the soft power of the Islamic Republic of Iran after the withdrawal of US troops from Afghanistan"
    Shafiee Mohsen
    مطالعات قدرت نرم, Vol. 11, pp.133-160, 2022
  6. "A Study of Comparisons of Role-Making Factors in the Difference between the Political Positions of Ayatollah Boroujerdi and Imam Khomeini (ra) Emilio Betty's Conceptual Model"
    Shafiee Mohsen, alireza samiee esfahani
    مطالعات راهبردی بسیج, Vol. 24, pp.107-136, 2022
  7. "علل کاهش میزان مشارکت مردمی در انتخابات 1400 و آینده رفتار انتخاباتی شهروندان برمبنای تئوری مشارکت سیاسی میلبراث و نظریه سناریو نویسی شوارتز)"
    Shafiee Mohsen
    پژوهشنامه علوم سیاسی, Vol. 16, pp.61-108, 2021
  8. "Assessing the Influence of Behavioral Patterns and Jihadi Management of Sardar Soleimani Based on Evert Rogers Theory: A Case Study, the Axis of Resistance in the Middle East"
    Shafiee Mohsen, abedi ardakani mohammad
    مطالعات راهبردی بسیج, Vol. 24, pp.5-40, 2021
  9. "Backgrounds and purposes of changing the clothing of Iranians in the Reza Shah period based on the theory of Eric Donald Hirsch"
    Shafiee Mohsen
    جامعه شناسی سیاسی ایران, Vol. 4, pp.90-115, 2021
  10. "Evaluating the effect of religious reading on the different reading of the social status of women in the thought of jurisprudence and modern religious thinkers after the Islamic Revolution."
    Shafiee Mohsen
    جامعه شناسی سیاسی انقلاب اسلامی, Vol. 2, pp.79-106, 2021
  11. "Explaining the Causes for the Failure of ISIS in Iraq Based on the Theory of Political Opportunity of Sydney Tarrow and Mcadam"
    Shafiee Mohsen, ali bagheri dolatabadi
    مطالعات سیاسی جهان اسلام, Vol. 10, pp.137-166, 2021
  12. "Quds force and transition from collective security to collective defense in the Syria's crisis"
    Shafiee Mohsen
    پژوهش های حفاظتی-امنیتی, Vol. 9, pp.35-64, 2021
  13. "Explaining the assassination of Iranian nuclear scientists of and the futures Studies of Iran's counter measures"
    Shafiee Mohsen
    پژوهش های حفاظتی-امنیتی, Vol. 9, pp.1-36, 2020
  14. "Iran's Foreign Policy in the Corona Age: From Health Diplomacy to Media Diplomacy"
    ali bagheri dolatabadi, Shafiee Mohsen
    پژوهشنامه علوم سیاسی, Vol. 15, pp.7-46, 2020
  15. "Effective Factors on Unrest in Iraq: A Case Study of the Political, Economic and Social Dimensions of the 2019 Protests"
    dolat abadi bagheri, Shafiee Mohsen
    مطالعات سیاسی جهان اسلام, Vol. 8, pp.101-125, 2020
  16. "A Comparative Study of Iran and Singapore Performance in Dealing with Covid-19 and Their Future"
    Shafiee Mohsen, ali bagheri dolatabadi
    دولت پژوهی, Vol. 6, pp.141-175, 2020
  17. "Investigating the Impact of the Covid-19 Crisis on the Discourse of Globalization and its Future"
    Shafiee Mohsen, ali bagheri dolatabadi
    پژوهش های راهبردی سیاست, Vol. 9, pp.223-262, 2020
  18. "Investigation of US psychological warfare tactics against the Islamic Republic of Iran after the assassination of Sardar Shahid Ghasem Soleimani"
    bagheri dolatabadi ali, Shafiee Mohsen
    سیاست دفاعی, Vol. 28, pp.149-175, 2020
  19. "A Study of Two Readings of Democracy in the Currents of Contemporary Religious Thought in Iran"
    Shafiee Mohsen, ali bagheri dolatabadi
    تاریخ اسلام و ایران, Vol. 30, pp.119-141, 2020
  20. "Understanding the Social Realities and Consequences of the Covid-19 Crisis Based on Niklas Luhmann's Theory of Social Systems"
    Shafiee Mohsen, ali bagheri dolatabadi
    مطالعات میان رشته ای در علوم انسانی, Vol. 12, pp.47-82, 2020
  21. "گفتمان جهانی شدن و اسلام سیاسی سلفی جهادی"
    Shafiee Mohsen, mohamad mehdi azizabadi
    rahbordsyasi, Vol. 3, pp.125-155, 2019
  22. "The effect of internal divisions among Kurdish parties on the failure of Iraqi Kurdistan's independence"
    jaseb nikfar, zamani dadane sasan, Shafiee Mohsen
    پژوهش های سیاسی جهان اسلام, Vol. 8, pp.113-145, 2019
  23. "Sardar Soleimani and popular mobilization in Iraq and Syria (backgrounds to the role and intentions of Martyr Soleimani)"
    Shafiee Mohsen
    مطالعات دفاع مقدس, Vol. 5, pp.85-109, 2019
  24. "The Role of Medical Diplomacy in increasing Iran's Soft Power: Contexts, Opportunities and Implications"
    ali bagheri dolatabadi, Shafiee Mohsen
    مطالعات قدرت نرم, Vol. 9, pp.145-174, 2019
  25. "Political culture and its impact on elite behavior and political development in the second Pahlavi period"
    alireza samiee esfahani, Shafiee Mohsen, hassan yaghubneya
    جامعه شناسی سیاسی ایران, Vol. 1, pp.105-129, 2018
    ali bagheri dolatabadi, Shafiee Mohsen
    Journal of Globalization Studies, Vol. 8, pp.139-155, 2017
  27. "The future of takfiri groups and the stabilization solutions of the Syrian and Iraqi governments"
    alireza samiee esfahani, Shafiee Mohsen
    پژوهش های راهبردی سیاست, Vol. 4, pp.199-227, 2015
  28. "Discourse Analysis of Globalization and the Emergence of Salafi-Jihadi Political Islam in the Arab Middle East"
    alireza samiee sefahani, hamdallah akvani, Shafiee Mohsen
    پژوهش های سیاست اسلامی, Vol. 3, pp.89-113, 2015

Conference Paper

  1. "International congress of the "Second Phase of the Islamic revolution from the Perspective of the Holy Qur'an and Hadith""
    Shafiee Mohsen
    A reflection on the most important Quranic foundations of the Islamic Revolution of Iran, 2022
  2. "The Second International Conference The Second Step of the Islamic Revolution: Shahid Soleimani School; The model of training civilizing jihadi managers"
    Shafiee Mohsen
    Investigating the most important security-military characteristics of Sardar Soleimani's jihadi management from the formation of Sarollah 41st Division in 1981 to the foreign struggle against ISIL, 2021
  3. "The 3rd National Conference on Media and Information Literacy"
    Shafiee Mohsen, mohammad javad alirezaee
    Examining the duties of the government of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the field of media literacy, 2020
  4. "The intellectual system of Ayatullah Khamenei in the field of culture"
    leila shameli, Shafiee Mohsen
    مولفه هاي قدرت نرم انقلاب اسلامي و مكانيسم هاي تقابل با تهاجم فرهنگي در كلام مقام معظم رهبري و انديشمندان اسلامي, 2018
  5. "اولین همایش ملی علوم رفتاری و اسلامی"
    Shafiee Mohsen
    Structuralism and how occupied Iran in September 1320, 2018
  6. "اولین همایش ملی علوم رفتاری و اسلامی"
    Shafiee Mohsen
    Background and time and its impact on the political-cultural activities of Imam Hadi A., 2018
  7. "اولین همایش ملی علوم رفتاری و اسلامی"
    Mohammad Soltani, جواد حسین پور, Shafiee Mohsen
    Reflections on the internal and external factors of separation of Bahrain from Iran, 2018
  8. "اولین همایش ملی علوم رفتاری و اسلامی"
    Shafiee Mohsen
    Tamali on Islamic Model of Iran Progress in Imam Khomeinis Behavior and Speech, 2018