حسين فتاحي اردكاني

Assistant Professor

Update: 2024-09-07

حسين فتاحي اردكاني

Psychology and Education / علوم سياسي

Research activities

  1. عضويت
  2. تبارشناسي رئاليسم نئوكلاسيك: از سياست‌خارجي تا سياست بين‌الملل 2024
  3. Alienation with the American ruling elite in Trump's populist foreign policy 2024
  4. Investigating the development of Turkey's dam construction (GAP and DAP) based on the logic of its impact on the surrounding countries (with a legal approach) 2023
  5. The desire of Iran's proposed plan to resolve the Israeli-Palestinian conflicts with an emphasis on Iran's nationalism 2022
  6. Different situations of confrontation between Iran and the Zionist regime in the Middle East and its consequences using game theory (2011-2020) 2021
  7. The relationship between the ruler and the people in John Locke's thought (based on the theory of Thomas Springs) 2021
  8. موانع و چالش هاي تحقق شفافيت در حكومت از ديدگاه امام علي (ع) در نهج البلاغه 2021
  9. The position of vulnerable groups from the perspective of human rights and how the international community deals with them and their implementation in the Alawite government 2020
  10. The effective model of governance's confrontation with security crises from Imam Ali's point of view in Nahj al-Balaghah using the method of Grounded theory 2020
  11. انديشه سياسي و مباني انقلاب اسلامي (اقتصاد مقاومتي) سطح 4 2016
  12. مقررات اداري و مالي تبديل وضعيت 2016
  13. مسئوليت راه اندازي گروه علوم سياسي 2013